569 Hanley Rd
Central Point, OR 97502
United States
Feb 1, 2025 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made
by Jan 27, 2025 to Lynette Glaros : [email protected]
or 541-930-8434
Join Jackson County 4-H for the 2025 Presentations Contest. Registration is open!
Categories include:
- Demonstration - shows how to do or make something. There is a finished product at the end.
- Illustrated Talk - share information with the use of visual aids such as posters, PowerPoint slides or materials.
- Public Speech - informational or persuasive. Use of notes is permitted, but no visual aids.
- Impromptu Speech - draw a random topic and prepare a speech within 5 minutes. (Not available to members younger than age 9).
- Performance Art - a play, interpretive reading, dance, or musical performance not to exceed 15 minutes.
- Job interview for Grange Co-Op, or Scholarship interview
- Celebrate our World - demonstration, illustrated talk or public speech based on the country Oregon 4-H is celebrating. Changes every year.