Hemp industry in the United States and Oregon

Govinda Shrestha and Samikshya Pandey
July 2024

This article provides an insight into the 2024 national hemp report published by U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Agricultural Statistics Board, which includes the current hemp industry status in Oregon.

Hemp industry in the United States

Floral hemp production

Oregon leads the U.S. floral hemp production by acreage, followed by California and Kentucky. Oregon has 35% of floral hemp acreage in the U.S., followed by California (23%) and Kentucky (21%). Sixteen states engaged in floral production in 2023 (Fig. 1).

Fiber hemp production

With 36% of the fiber hemp acreage in the U.S., South Dakota leads fiber hemp production by acreage, followed by Montana (25%) and Missouri (17%), respectively. Eight states engaged in fiber production in 2023 (Fig. 2).

Grain hemp production

Region 4 (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota) is the leading region for grain hemp production acreage followed by Region 3 (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Wyoming). Region 4 had 46% of grain hemp acreage in the U.S., while Region 3 had 25% (Fig. 3). See General grain hemp production guidelines in Oregon.

Hemp industry in Oregon

Like many other states, Oregon hemp production acreage sharply declined from 2021-2023from 8,200 to 2,400 acres. The economic value also followed the same pattern declining from $240 million in 2021 to $74 million in 2022. But in 2023, the value nearly doubled to $126 million (USDA NASS, 2024). Also, for the first time, hemp was ranked among the top 20 Oregon crop commodities by value in 2024. Thirty counties engaged in hemp production with 162 hemp farms, based on 2023 Oregon Department of Agriculture hemp data. Jackson County leads in hemp production followed by Morrow County and Crook County (Table 1).

Table1. Oregon hemp production statistic, 2023.
County Hemp Farm Acres
Jackson 59 741
Morrow 6 682
Crook 5 522
Douglas 8 91
Josephine 17 75
Lane 9 70
Linn 3 65
Multnomah 3 45
Jefferson 4 38
Clackamas 9 32
Deschutes 8 12
Malheur 4 12
Polk 1 10
Clatsop 2 6
Klamath 7 5
Washington 5 5
Benton 2 3
Yamhill 3 2
Lincoln 2 1
Marion 4 0.63
Curry 1 0.01
Total 162 2417


USDA NASS. 2024. National Hemp Report.

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