Factsheet covers what emergency plans and wildfire training are required for producers and employees who engage in suppressing wildfires on a farm or ranch. The information in written plans must be provided to all new employees prior to assigning work and reviewed annually.
Emergency Action Plan for Medical and Fire Emergencies
Required by OSHA brochure? Yes
Must include:
- Procedures for reporting emergencies.
- Procedures for evacuation to safety zones and safe shutdown of equipment.
- Rescue procedures and medical duties.
- Names of people that employees can contact about the plan.
- Procedures for communicating within your operation and with state and federal fire agencies during fire suppression.
- Farm map not required, but good to have.
When to review:
- Annually.
- With new employees before assigning work.
- When employee responsibilities change.
- Changes are made to the plan.
Fire Prevention Plan
Required by OSHA brochure? Yes
Must include:
- Procedures that identify hazardous fire conditions (weather, terrain, fuels).
- Procedures for safely maintaining equipment that produces heat.
- Procedures to maintain fire extinguishing equipment and training on that equipment.
- Procedures for reporting fires.
- Procedures for establishing escape routes and safety zones at worksites.
- Criteria for terminating work under hazardous fire weather and fuel conditions.
When to review:
- Annually.
- With new employees before assigning work.
- When responsibilities change.
- Changes are made to the plan.
- Discuss at safety meetings.
Job hazard analysis form
Required by OSHA Brochure? Yes
Must Include:
- Determination of personal protective equipment needed to engage in firefighting.
When to review:
- With new employees before assigning work.
Best practices not required by OSHA brochure
Should include:
- Statement of expectations for employees.
- Age requirement for firefighting.
- Types of firefighting allowed.
- Three stages of firefighting and training you will require.
- Plan for tracking employees during fires.
When to review:
- Annually.