Credit: Amanda Loman (Cropped from original)

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Cloverbuds (5-8 year olds)

Oregon’s 4-H Cloverbud Program is an informal education program designed for youth ages 5-8 as of September 1st of the current 4-H year. It supports young children’s natural curiosity, enthusiasm for learning and high energy levels by giving them an opportunity for active learning. Cloverbuds encourages children to have fun, develop friendships and learn about their world all while promoting social, mental, emotional and physical development.

Cloverbuds introduces youth to cooperative learning in areas such as healthy lifestyles, expressive arts, plants and animals, science and technology, and personal development.

The Cloverbud program is:

  • Developmentally age appropriate
  • Focused on activity centered learning
  • Developmentally age appropriate
  • Leader directed
  • Fun and positive
  • Group centered
  • Recognizes participation
  • Noncompetitive

Contact your county 4-H program for information about 4-H Cloverbud clubs in your area.

Cloverbud policies:

  • Because of the developmental differences, Cloverbuds are not allowed to have contact with large animals or participate in shooting sports as part of their 4-H experience.
  • Even though they may not compete, Cloverbuds may exhibit in noncompetitive ways. Check with your county 4-H program to see what opportunities they provide for Cloverbuds.
  • See 2023 Oregon 4-H Procedures to read other policies and guidelines about Cloverbuds

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