What are all these webs that are showing up inside my house?

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Cobwebs and “dustwebs” are terms that are used to describe inactive spider silk/webs. Because spider silk is very sticky it accumulates dust quickly if it isn’t in active use by the spider. This process of dust accumulation on webs might increase in winter because, as you mentioned, doors and windows are closed, but also because we tend to spend a lot more time indoors.

It’s not a bad thing to have a healthy indoor spider population. Their overall impact is beneficial. Common house spiders, which are non-threatening to humans, are one of the most common species that cause cobwebs.

While dust can’t self-assemble into a cobweb, dust clumps or dust “bunnies” are dust held together with hair or fibers. They aren’t sticky like cobwebs. If you are seeing dusty strands that connect different objects or wall faces these were originally produced by spiders.

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