Oregon State University Extension Service

Foods That Do Not Freeze Well (SP 50-766)

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Foods Usual use Condition after thawing
Raw cabbage1 , celery, watercress, cucumbers, endive, lettuce, radishes As raw salad Limp, water-logged, quickly develops oxidized color, aroma, and flavor
Cooked cream vegetables Side dish Loses flavor rapidly. Store only a few weeks for best quality
Irish potatoes, baked or boiled In soups, salads or with butter Soft, crumbly, water-logged, mealy
Watermelon As raw fruit Soggy/watery
Egg whites, cooked In salads, creamed foods, sandwiches, sauces, gravy or dessert Soft, tough, rubbery, spongy
Icings made from egg whites Cakes, cookies Frothy, weepy
Cream or custard fillings Pies, baked goods

Separates, watery, lumpy, soaks into the crust

Milk sauces and gravies For casseroles or gravies

May curdle or separate. Best to thicken with waxy starch (Clear-Jel)... less likely to separate

Sour cream As topping, in salads Separates, watery
Cheese or crumb toppings On casseroles Soggy
Cooked macaroni, spaghetti or rice When frozen alone for later use Mushy, tasted warmed over
Mayonnaise or salad dressing On sandwiches (not in salads) Separates
Fried foods All except French fried potatoes and onion rings Lose crispness, become soggy
Potato salad, macaroni salad Salad Becomes watery and tough, mushy
Unbaked biscuits Baked products Smaller and less tender
Unbaked muffins Baked product Poor texture
Gelatin In salads or desserts Weeps
Fruit jelly Sandwiches May soak bread, weeps
Chocolate-covered cherries Candy Expands during freezing causing them to break

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Source: OSU Master Food Preserver Program

Adapted from: So Easy to Preserve, 5th addition, cooperative extension services, the University of Georgia and Freezing prepared Foods, PNW 296.

  • 1Cucumbers and cabbage can be frozen as marinated products such as "freezer slaw" or "freezer pickles." These do not have the same texture as regular slaw or pickles.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/food/home-food-safety-storage/foods-do-not-freeze-well-sp-50-766