Oregon State University Extension Service

Are fresh avocados possible here?

Can an avocado tree grow and bear fruit in the Willamette Valley?

No, probably not. Here is why it is difficult to grow avocados in the Willamette Valley:

  • Avocado is not hardy enough for unprotected culture in the Willamette Valley, as even the hardiest forms are considered hardy only into the lower 20° F range. They would require some sort of winter protection.
  • Avocados flower very early, starting in late winter-early spring and flowers are not tolerant of frost.
    • Avocados have two different types of flowers, called type A and type B, depending on what time of day they open and when the pollen is released, so one plant of each type would be required for pollination and fruit production.
    • The availability of pollinators such as honeybees might be problematic during cool weather blooms.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/are-fresh-avocados-possible-here