Oregon State University Extension Service

Should I keep filling my hummingbird feeder in frigid temperatures?

I’m wondering if it’s OK here in central Oregon to leave our hummingbird feeder up a little while longer. I just noticed a hummingbird hanging out on the feeder this morning when it was 16 degrees.

The feeders were filled with frozen sugar water, and I’ve been meaning to take it down. But I read about hummingbird migrants, and some might stay through the winter? I need clarification because I just made fresh batch of food but don’t want to delay the birds from heading to warmer climates for too long.

There is much we don’t know about the hummingbirds we're sighting during winter. It’s possible that their winter geographic range has always extended this far but historic accounts missed that, leading to the belief that feeders keep the birds around against their nature.

I would definitely continue feeding, because at this point the birds you're seeing may not be inclined or able to migrate. They're likely to be at least somewhat dependent on the predictable source of food you're providing.

Don't be tempted to deviate from the formula: four parts water, one part sugar. Keep it the same. Unfortunately, with cold temperatures our feeder maintenance often requires bringing them inside at night, so the liquid doesn't freeze.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/should-i-keep-filling-my-hummingbird-feeder-frigid-temperatures