Feb 19, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
Gardens in urban and suburban areas can make critical contributions to the health of wildlife and humans. This session will discuss how you can maximize that potential. Restoring small land parcels can provide stepping-stone habitats that allow wildlife to move across fragmented urban landscapes. Learn methods of replicating nature’s processes to restore water and nutrient cycles and diversify the vegetation of our urban landscapes to increase garden and community resilience.
This online seminar is free with advanced registration. Can’t attend live? Register to get a recording 2 days after the class.
Our speaker, Carole Hardy, is an Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener who teaches for the award-winning 10-Minute University™ Program. Carole teaches environmental science courses at Portland State University, serves on the Board of the Forest Park Conservancy, is on the Steering Committee for the Regional Habitat Connectivity Working Group, and certifies yards for the Backyard Habitat program.
*Counts as one hour metro area Master Gardener continuing garden education credit.