EDAI data report
Equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusion responses
Outdoor School 2022-2023 reporting data summary
To better understand how schools were addressing student needs, we asked them to select (from the list below) all of the historically underrepresented populations served by their outdoor school program and to describe how those students were served. We also asked what efforts they made to ensure all students can (want to) participate in outdoor school and we provided an optional text box for a more detailed description of the supports provided.
The populations of students we asked about included:
- Rural learners
- Low SocioEconomic Status students
- American Indian or Alaska Native students
- Asian students
- Pacific Islander students
- Black/African American students
- Hispanic/Latin(x) students
- Middle Eastern/North African students
- Gender non-conforming/LGBTQ+ students.
Each segment of text below includes the percent of schools that indicated they served students from the group specified and that percent is followed by a sample quote from school reports that describes supports provided.
Credit: Carla Pena (Cropped from original)