Credit: Joe Klein (Cropped from original)

EDAI resource library

The OSU Extension Service Outdoor School team strongly believes in equity for all. We believe that equitable and safe access to nature is critical to outdoor engagement and are working hard at centering equity in our work.

As educators, parents and family members to youth, we know discussing the social justice movement in our nation is a sensitive, personal and important endeavor. Learning centered on equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusion (EDAI) is an ongoing process because of the cyclical nature of learning and unlearning. This cyclical process happens as we encounter new perspectives, concepts and challenges to our own perspectives.

To support our ongoing learning, we are sharing some resources we hope you find helpful in guiding conversations with young people. This list of resources should help you on your journey toward creating equitable and inclusive outdoor school programming.

EDAI organizations and consultants

Disability inclusion organizations and consultants

Increasing accessibility

EDAI articles, curriculum support and research

EDAI podcasts

EDAI webinars and videos

EDAI websites

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