Jan 9 - Jan 16, 2025
Thursday January 9 & Thursday January 16, 3:30 - 5:30 both days (participants should plan on attending both days)
Thursday, January 9, 2025 to Thursday, January 16, 2025
ODS/ONREP Nature Journaling Workshop Series -
This workshop will be offered on 3 dates, in 3 designs. The content will be the same but the format of delivery will be different.
The 3 options are:
- Fall - Mobility Accessible Workshop - October 29 (concluded)
- Winter - Virtual Workshop - January 9 & 16
- Spring - Trail side Workshop - date TBA
ODS/ONREP: Teaching the Whole Student with Nature Journaling - Online
Dates: Thursday January 9 & Thursday January 16
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 both days (participants should plan on attending both days)
Format & Length: online, 4 hours (plus 1 hour of self-paced learning)
Audience: Geared toward formal and nonformal 3-8th grade educators and educators working with 5th and/or 6th graders in outdoor school settings, but all grade levels are welcome.
Description: Join us on Zoom to experience and explore nature journaling, a flexible, engaging, and adaptable teaching tool that helps students develop both scientific and social-emotional competencies. The scientific competencies follow the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the social-emotional competencies follow the new Oregon Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (TSEL) framework. We will practice close observation, inquiry, and connection-building using a series of nature journaling prompts. We will also practice giving feedback on journal entries to promote a growth mindset and discuss how to incorporate nature journaling in any learning context. We will utilize How to Teach Nature Journaling, by John Muir Laws and Emily Lygren, available online as a free pdf.
Stipend: A $80 stipend is available from OSU Extension Service Outdoor School to support the attendance of eligible outdoor school educators who are not being compensated by their employer for the time they attend the workshop. Please contact [email protected] with questions about stipend eligibility.
Brought to you by: Bureau of Land Management Medford, OSU Extension Outdoor School, Southern Oregon Land Conservancy and Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP)
Registration required. Offered at no cost to Oregon Educators. PDUs available. Substitute reimbursement available on teacher workdays.