Sweet Cherry Production
Resources for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic safely during harvest
In preparation for the arrival of migrant and H2A farmworkers during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Wasco and Hood River County Extension Services have assembled information that orchardists can use to prevent the spread COVID-19 on farm. These documents have been arranged into five topical folders.
- Guidance from Public Health: Contains the OR OSHA emergency rules, a screening tool developed by public health, and a guidance checklist to prepare your farm for the arrival of farm workers. Many of these publications are available in English and Spanish.
- Cloth Face coverings: Information about making face coverings from bandanas in a pinch and instructions for face covering care.
- Spanish PSAs: These are 8” x 11” color posters about social distancing, hygiene, handwashing, and COVID-19 symptoms that you can hang near worker housing and rest areas.
- English PSAs: These are 8” x 11” color posters about social distancing, hygiene, handwashing, and COVID-19 symptoms that you can hang near worker housing and rest areas.
- Mental Health: The pandemic has been associated with increased anxiety and depression. This folder provides contact information for the Warmline, a mental health hotline. English and Spanish documents.
Colorful paper copies of these documents are available from Wasco County Extension.
Credit Betsy Hartley (Cropped from original)
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