Photo: Rose Clarke (Cropped from original)

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Bigleaf Maple Field Day: Processing, Products, and Possibilities

Hopkins Demonstration Forest

16750 S Brockway Road
Oregon City, OR 97045
United States

May 18, 2024 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

$50 per person ($10 for 12 and under)

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by May 10, 2024 to Sarah Cameron: [email protected] or 503-655-8631

Comuníquese con los organizadores del evento para confirmar que este evento se llevará a cabo en español o para solicitar interpretación en español u otras adaptaciones.

Are you a small woodland owner looking to start tapping your maple trees? Or are you a syrup lover and wild food enthusiast, Pacific Northwest adventurer, or lifelong learner? Join us for an educational celebration of all things Bigleaf Maple! Enjoy a day amongst the trees learning about the process, products, and possibilities of working with Oregon’s native maples.

  • Visit Hopkins Demonstration Forest maple sugarbush and discover the process of harvesting sap, and the benefits of managing a forest with maple trees.
  • Sample some of our locally produced syrups and explore the tools, equipment, and best practices used to ensure food safety and quality.
  • Explore the growing possibilities and uses beyond maple syrup!
  • Gather together for a pancake and waffle lunch, participants will receive their own bottle of bigleaf maple syrup (estimated $20 value).

OSU Extension is an educational partner on this program. This program is a collaboration with the Oregon Maple Project, OSU Tree Tappers, and the Hopkins Demonstration Forest.

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