YQCA Certification
Welcome to the dedicated page for the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) program, specifically tailored for Tillamook County 4-H members. Here, you will find all the essential information regarding training sessions, participation requirements, and resources to ensure that our youth are well-equipped to uphold the highest standards of animal care.
YQCA will be required for all members enrolled and exhibiting in 4-H at their county fair in an animal science project. This can be completed with either the Online course or the In-Person Trainings.
Whether you are involved in market animals or not, these certificates are required for all livestock members (goat (all), sheep, hogs, beef, dairy cattle, and llama). They must be completed before you exhibit your project animals at the county fair.
Horse and Small Animal Members (including Dog). You can either take the YQCA training in person or online, or you can take what may be a more relevant training. These NEW trainings will be taught twice during the year (2 times for horses and 2 times for small animals – different trainings), once in February 2025 and once in June 2025; they will be taught via ZOOM.
YQCA certificates are good for two years.
In-Person Trainings cost $3 per Member. Upon Request, we can hold training during 4-H Club Meetings.
Certificates/Proof of Certification must be submitted to the 4-H Program by June 5th.