Thriving together
El Servicio de Extensión de OSU colabora con las comunidades locales para ofrecer conocimientos confiables y basados en la ciencia, con el fin de abordar asuntos críticos y ayudar a que cada habitante de Oregon prospere. Estamos comprometidos a generar un cambio positivo a través de programas y al proporcionar espacios donde cada persona se sienta segura y bienvenida.
Nuestras investigaciones, programas, asociaciones, oportunidades de voluntariado y materiales educativos se enfocan en:
- Healthy communities and economies
- Resilient and productive forests and natural ecosystems
- Sustainable agriculture, food systems, and gardening
- Thriving youth, individuals and families
Timely tips and resources
¡Información respaldada por la ciencia que puede usar!
Sintonice para conocer nuevos temas
Obtenga apoyo personalizado y conéctese con nosotros
We are active across the state delivering our workshops and collaborating with you.
Attend in-person and online events
¿Tienes una pregunta? Pregúntale a Extensión
“Pregúntale a Extensión” es una forma de obtener respuestas del Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University. Contamos con expertos en familia y salud, desarrollo comunitario, alimentación y agricultura, temas costeros, silvicultura, programas para jóvenes y jardinería.
Connect with hands-on experiences
Tenemos muchas formas para que los jóvenes participen en el aprendizaje, incluyendo la ciencia animal, la robótica, las actividades al aire libre, los alimentos saludables, las actividades físicas, liderazgo y la preparación universitaria.
Los voluntarios de Servicio de Extensión de OSU nos ayudan a brindar servicios a comunidades de todo Oregón. ¡Puedes concentrarte en la conservación de alimentos, la jardinería, los recursos naturales y más!
Respaldados por capacitación universitaria, los voluntarios de Extensión dedican su tiempo y talentos a enseñar y enriquecer sus comunidades.
4-H Youth Development empowers young people with hands-on learning experiences to help them grow and thrive.
Photo: Chance Olufson -
Bee Steward Program enhances bee habitat across the state by offering practical training on how to build, maintain and establish pollinator habitat.
Credit: Alyson Yates -
Farm to School and school garden activities work together to improve kids' health and wellness, support their success in school and grow Oregon’s economy.
Credit Patty Case -
Master Gardener™ program educates Oregonians about the art and science of growing and caring for plants. This program also facilitates the training of a highly educated group of volunteers who extend sustainable gardening information to their communities through education and outreach programs.
Home Food Safety and Preservation Program ensures Oregonians have access to the most reliable information available on safe food handling at home. We offer food safety and preservation resources and classes, including our Master Food Preserver program.
StrongPeople™ is a nationally recognized, evidence-based community exercise program designed to increase the number of mid-life and older women participating in safe and effective strength training.
Credit: Ann Marie Murphy -
The Oregon Naturalist Program is for people interested in Oregon’s natural history and natural resources management who want to dedicate their time as volunteers.
Photo: Jason O'Brien -
Tree School events held each year regionally throughout Oregon provide important opportunities for continuing education and building community, helping support the success of family forest landowners.
Datos rápidos del Servicio de Extensión de OSU
Conozca más sobre el Servicio de Extensión de OSU
News and impact
Done para apoyar al Servicio de Extensión de OSU
Ayúdenos a fortalecer la salud, el bienestar y la seguridad económica de los jóvenes, las familias y las comunidades. Apoye nuestro trabajo para conservar y mejorar los recursos naturales y los entornos marinos. Sea parte de nuestros esfuerzos para aumentar las soluciones sostenibles para la agricultura, la silvicultura y los sistemas alimentarios en todo Oregon.
Todas las donaciones e inversiones privadas son fundamentales para fortalecer nuestros programas.
[Music] Well, we knew that across Oregon there was a lack of childcare for a very long time, and when the pandemic hit, that need just grew. Families were without childcare, schools were closed, kids went home to do distance learning, and daycares were either limited on the capacity that they could have or they closed their doors altogether. We also were seeing that teens were taking on that responsibility. They were watching younger siblings, family members, and even their neighbors. But also, the issue was that teens were struggling. They were isolated socially. So we were feeling this need for responsible caregivers, but also teens needed social support for their own mental health.
4-H and Extension are here to respond when a need arises, and we already had a babysitting curriculum in place, and it was being taught in multiple counties throughout the state. All we had to do was change our platform in order to meet the needs of the community. The number of youth who took this training more than quadrupled because we were able to do it virtually, and because of that, hundreds of families across Oregon have been safer.
The babysitter curriculum covers pillars of character and child development, including age-appropriate activities, germs and sanitation, safety, injury management, food and nutrition, and babysitting as a business. The resources are chock full of videos, online links, and handouts for the kids to use at later dates.
"I learned about babysitting and responsibility, and I used it when I helped with my baby cousin. The class helped me feel more confident about handling babies and toddlers because I learned about things like first aid and feeding. This class helped me feel more confident in an area of how to keep kids entertained because I didn't know that little kids like different things. I'd recommend this class to any teenager or older kid who wants to babysit because it can make babysitting a whole lot easier and you can enjoy the experience while keeping the babies safe." Thank you. [Music]