Family emergency preparedness

Photo Credit: David Pereiras - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)

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From power outages to wildfires and potential earthquakes, Oregonians face a range of emergency situations where advance preparation can make all the difference. With educational content and learning opportunities to help individuals, families and communities, you’ll find what you need to build readiness and resilience one step at a time.

Photo Credit: SkyLine - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)

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4-H/FCH-SNAP Program Coordinator

Contact me for questions on 4-H youth development and healthy living programming in Sherman County as well as healthy living topics such as MyPlate, gardening, food preservation and food storage!

Image of Glenda Hyde
Associate Professor of Practice, Family and Community Health; OSU Extension Service Extension Disaster Education Network Delegate

Contact me with questions about food safety and preservation, managing stress and emergency/disaster preparedness

Associate Professor, Family and Community Health

Contact me with all your health and wellness questions in the Columbia River Gorge.

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“Pregúntale a Extensión” es una forma de obtener respuestas del Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University. Contamos con expertos en familia y salud, desarrollo comunitario, alimentación y agricultura, temas costeros, silvicultura, programas para jóvenes y jardinería.