Glenda Hyde

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Image of Glenda Hyde

Associate Professor of Practice, Family and Community Health; OSU Extension Service Extension Disaster Education Network Delegate

Contact me with questions about food safety and preservation, managing stress and emergency/disaster preparedness

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Expertise: Community disaster preparedness , Home food preservation , Home food safety and storage , Nutrition and healthy eating , Family emergency preparedness

Programs: Home Food Safety and Preservation Program


Glenda Hyde is an Associate Professor of Practice serving Oregon State University Extension Family and Community Health as county faculty in Central Oregon. She covers the fields of food safety, food preservation and nutrition since 2007, and statewide emergency preparedness, safety and accidental injury prevention since 2015. She is the principal investigator for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive grant that created the Preparing Oregon for the Cascadia Subduction Zone Event through an online learning system project. Glenda is certified to train OSU Extension Master Food Preservers and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers. She also teaches food preservation workshops, Stress Less with Mindfulness and the QPR Suicide Prevention programs. Glenda served as the NEAFCS Vice President for Public Affairs from 2015 to 2017. Glenda represents OSU as the point of contact on the Extension Disaster Education Network.

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