Is it possible to microwave an egg?

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It is safe to microwave eggs!

Cooking eggs in the shell is not advised because they will easily explode and make a real mess in your microwave, which can also raise some food safety concerns if the microwave is not cleaned completely.

It is best to cook them in a microwave scrambled or as an omelet. Mixing the yolk and white together is best because the yolk is high in fat, so will cook quicker and more evenly. You can also poach eggs in the microwave by boiling water and then adding egg and cooking for a short period of time to set the egg.

There are several microwave egg containers on the market to help you cook eggs with success. They come with instructions for how to do it.

Each microwave is a little different so check the instruction book that comes with your microwave. Higher-wattage ovens will overcook the eggs so it is best to reduce the power and turn and stir the egg during cooking. With a little practice, you can make a perfect egg.

My favorite way to cook eggs in the microwave is to scramble them and stir them halfway through the cooking. Omelets are also good and you can add toppings like cheese at the end.

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