Wood Preservation and Wood Products Treatment Training Manual

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Gary Thomasson, Joseph Capizzi, Frank Dost, Jeffery Morrell and Donald J. Miller
EM 8403 | Revised November 2015, Reviewed 2023


Designed to help those preparing for the wood preservative pesticide licensing examinations administered by the state departments of agriculture in the Pacific Northwest.

Describes specific wood pests, including various wood-inhabiting fungi, chemical stains, termites, carpenter ants, beetles, and marine borers, and the damage they do. Explains how to control pests that damage wood by employing moisture control, naturally resistant wood, general-use pesticides, creosote, pentachlorophenol (penta), and inorganic arsenicals. For creosote, penta, and inorganic arsenicals, describes the advantages, disadvantages, toxic effects, special precautions, and limitations, and includes Consumer Information Sheets for wood pressure-treated with each.

Discusses human safety, application hazards, toxic effects of preservatives, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), waste disposal, and storage. Contains a glossary of definitions and sources for additional information.

About the authors

Gary Thomasson
Extension entomologist
Washington State University
Joseph Capizzi
Extension entomologist emeritus (deceased)
Oregon State University
Frank Dost
Extension toxicology and agricultural chemical specialist emeritus
Oregon State University
Jeffery Morrell
Professor of wood science
Oregon State University
Donald J. Miller
Professor of forest products emeritus
Oregon State University

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