Soft White Winter Wheat (Western Oregon) Nutrient Management Guide

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John M. Hart, Michael D. Flowers, Nicole Anderson, Richard Roseberg, Neil W. Christensen and Mark E. Mellbye
EM 8963 | Revised July 2019, Reviewed 2023


Gives nutrient and lime recommendations for soft white winter wheat in western Oregon. Also discusses: impact of diseases, such as take-all root rot, on crop yield; planting in poorly drained soil; soils and settings for wheat production; fall and spring nutrient management; and postharvest evaluation of nitrogen. Includes sources of further information and an overview of the history of related research in western Oregon.

About the authors

John M. Hart
Professor of crop and soil science emeritus
Oregon State University
Michael D. Flowers
Extension cereals specialist
Oregon State University
Neil W. Christensen
Professor emeritus of soil science
Oregon State University
Mark E. Mellbye
Field crops Extension agent
Oregon State University

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