Western Corn Rootworm in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Eastern Washington

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Alexzandra F. Murphy, Silvia I. Rondon, Carrie Wohleb and Steven Hines
PNW 662 | Published September 2014, Reviewed 2023


Western corn rootworm (WCR) is present in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Idaho. As corn acreage in the region increases, WCR has the potential to become a serious pest. This publication covers how to identify WCR, its hosts and life cycle, its damage to corn, insect management, and resistance management.

About the authors

Alexzandra F. Murphy
Post-doctoral scholar in entomology
Oregon State University
Carrie Wohleb
Extension educator
Grant and Adams counties, Washington State University
Steven Hines
Extension educator in crops
University of Idaho, Jerome County

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