Russian Olive Trees: Control and Management in the Pacific Northwest

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Danielle Gunn and Ronald Patterson
PNW 755 | October 2020


Russian olive trees are fast-growing plants that since the 1950s have become invasive throughout many areas of the Inland Pacific Northwest, particularly in riparian ecosystems. They form impenetrable masses, create inferior wildlife habitat, and provide minimal forage value for big game and livestock. This publication helps landowners and land managers to control these woody invaders by providing a detailed botanical profile of the species and discussions of the latest regrowth research and weed-control methods and strategies. Supplemental materials, including a printable appendix, conveniently identify which native species are suitable as replacements (based on landscape type, size, and soil traits) and which herbicides and application techniques are the most effective for Russian olive control.

About the authors

Danielle Gunn
Extension Educator
University of Idaho Extension, Fort Hall Reservation
Ronald Patterson
Extension Educator
University of Idaho Extension, Bonneville County

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