Biology, Ecology, and Management of Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)

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Richard Miller, Jon Bates, Tony J. Svejcar, Fred B. Pierson and Lee Eddelman
TB 152 | Published June 2005, Reviewed 2021


This publication represents a synthesis of what is known about the history, biology, ecology and management of western juniper. This species occupies 9 million acres in central and eastern Oregon, northeastern California, southwestern Idaho, and northwestern Nevada, and occurs in a few outlying stands in southern Washington. Includes current and historical color photos and detailed graphs and charts..

About the authors

Jon Bates
Range scientist
USDA–Agricultural Research Service
Tony J. Svejcar
Range scientist and research leader
USDA–Agricultural Research Service
Fred B. Pierson
Range hydrologist
USDA–Agricultural Research Service
Lee Eddelman
Range ecologist (retired)
Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Oregon State University

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