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On June 30, 2022, emerald ash borer was discovered in Forest Grove, Oregon, marking the first confirmation of the invasive pest on the West Coast. In Oregon, the establishment of EAB could devastate whole habitat types that are dominated by Oregon ash, such as ash swales and sensitive riparian zones. It could also reduce urban forest cover. This pest has proven deadly to all ash species in North America and Europe, including the native Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia).

Oregon can’t eradicate EAB but we are working to slow its spread to give communities and landowners more time to prepare. Removing infested trees before EAB larvae emerge helps slow the spread by reducing the number of adults that can fly out from trees. Oregon’s EAB strategy is in keeping with global best management practices. Oregon Department of Forestry is coordinating with federal agencies on an early detection trapping survey for EAB.

As the first place EAB was found in Oregon, Forest Grove did not have a chance to treat any trees to save them. Washington County is under an ash material quarantine, so all felled ash are being chipped or moved nearby to be burned. Don’t move firewood very far.

The public can help by learning what to look for and reporting any sightings.

  1. Be alert: It is important to stop new outbreaks before they start. Early detection, coupled with rapid response, can stop the spread of new and emerging invasive species before they become established.
  2. Learn to recognize ash trees.
  3. Know how to identify the emerald ash borer.
  4. Report sightings of emerald ash borer: Report online at the Oregon Invasive Species Council hotline.
  5. Share information about emerald ash borer with others, including neighbors, fellow gardeners, hikers, mushroom hunters and campers.
  6. Do not move or transport ash wood: Even after a tree has died or has been cut down, the emerald ash borer can be present in the wood. Keeping the wood on the same site as the infected tree can help to slow the spread of the insect.

OSU Extension gathered key emerald ash borer resources below.

Contact your local Extension forester if you have further questions, or submit questions through Ask Extension (see below).

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