Veggie Rx programs take fresh approach to nutrition

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Veggie Rx programs are active around Oregon, based on the idea of healthy food as medicine. Veggie Rx is a produce prescription program used as a medical treatment or preventative service for patients:

  • Patients are eligible due to a diet-related health risk or condition, food insecurity, or other documented challenges accessing nutritious foods, and are referred by a health care provider or health insurance plan.

  • These prescriptions are fulfilled through food retail and enable patients to access healthy produce with no added fats, sugars, or salt, at low or no cost to the patient.

  • When appropriately dosed, Veggie Rx programs are designed to improve healthcare outcomes, optimize medical spend, and increase patient engagement and satisfaction.

Typically, health care providers prescribe produce prescriptions to patients who redeem them at farmers markets or for a CSA membership and occasionally at retail outlets. Patients enrolled in Veggie Rx programs report behavioral, mental and physical health improvements while the local economy and small farms benefit via produce sales. These programs represent partnerships among local health clinics, coordinated care organizations and the organizations that manage the programs.

In 2023, 30 programs were active in Oregon. You can learn who they are, how they work, and how they benefit Oregonians in Oregon Community Food Systems Network's 2023 Veggie Rx Census.

Get involved! OCFSN Veggie Rx working group.

Previously titled
Veggie Rx in Oregon

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