OSU Division of Extension and Engagement earns nine awards for communications efforts

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CORVALLIS, Ore. – Faculty and staff in the Oregon State University Division of Extension and Engagement took home nine awards — including three gold — from the 2024 Critique & Awards program of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences.

The national organization, known better by the acronym ACE, is mostly comprised of communicators in land grant universities. The awards were presented June 25 at the ACE annual conference in Salt Lake City.

The OSU winners primarily were represented by the Extension Communications (EC) unit in the Division of Extension and Engagement.

The winners also came from three OSU Extension programs – Master Gardeners (MG), Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) and Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) – and the OSU College of Health (COH).

Gold Awards

  • Single Marketing Item: Anna Bridges (EC), LeAnn Locher (EC and MG), Ann Marie Murphy (EC) and Diana Reyes (EC), Let's Grow a Garden tote.
  • Promotional Publications: Jennifer Alexander (EC), Janet Donnelly (EC) and Ann Marie Murphy (EC), Meet the Future of Oregon legislator event invitation.
  • Publications for Diverse Audiences: Carrie Berger (FNR), Kara Baylog (FNR), Emily Jane Davis (FNR), Aaron Groth (FNR), Dusti Linnell (FCH), Oralia Mendez (FCH) and Diana Reyes (EC), “Nuestro Futuro en Nuestras Manos/Our Future in Our Hands.”

Silver Awards

Bronze Awards

Michelle Borges, graduate student, Whitney Stone, assistant professor, and Lauren Chase, instructor, all in the OSU Department of Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences, won the “People’s Choice” award for their research poster, “From Farm to Fork: An Exploratory Study of Oregon’s Agrotourism Industry Using Walking Interviews.”

Another Oregon winner was Inka Bajandas with the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, who won a Gold Award in Annual and Special Reports for “Finding Common Ground.”

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