Brittny Jones

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PSEP Educator for Communities

Contact me if you'd like to discuss urban pests

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Expertise: Insects , Pesticide safety and education

Links: For Pesticide Safety Trainings


Brittny Jones is the PSEP Educator for Communities at Oregon State University. She will provide pre-licensing trainings in the Industrial Institutional Health and Structural: General Pest (IIHS: GP) and Industrial Institutional Health and Structural: Structural Pest (IIHS: SP) pesticide license categories. She previously worked for Oregon Department of Agriculture as a Certification and Licensing Specialist with a focus on reviewing continuing education courses for pesticide applicators.

She received her B.S. and M.S. in biology at Austin Peay State University (APSU) and later moved to Texas to complete her Ph.D. in entomology at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Brittny began her career working for TAMU AgriLife Extension Service as an extension program specialist in pesticide safety. Her role was to provide pre-licensing trainings of pests in structural settings, including wood-destroying organisms

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