Christina Hagerty

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Cereal Pathology

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Expertise: Field crops , Plant diseases


My lab is focused on serving the producers and stakeholders of high quality Oregon wheat. Our goal is to conduct relevant, practical, and applied research on the biology and control of soil-borne plant-pathogenic fungi and nematodes that limit yields of dryland wheat production in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Please visit my website to find a selected list of current collaborations. Education: July 2016 – Oregon State University, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Corvallis, OR; PhD, Cereal Pathology March 2013 – Oregon State University, Dept. of Horticulture, Corvallis, OR; Master of Science, Vegetable Breeding and Genetics June 2010 – Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA; Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science, Minor in Biology Link of Interest: Cereal Pathology

Content by Christina Hagerty

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