Deborah Good

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Photo of Deborah

Research, Evaluation, and Assessment Coordinator

Outdoor School

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Programs: Outdoor School (in English)


For 15 years, Deborah has explored how community-based and collaborative research and evaluation can inform program, policy, and practice in a variety of settings. She was born and raised in Washington, DC. She earned her master’s degree in social work from Temple University in 2009 with a specialization in research, community, and policy. Deborah was most recently the Director of Organizational Learning and Research at Future Focused Education, a nonprofit organization in New Mexico, where she lived for most of a decade before moving to Corvallis in 2019. At Future Focused, she directed the research, evaluation, and learning plans for the organization, staying on in a remote capacity for four more years after the move to Oregon. She started with the Outdoor School in 2023, where she works with staff and partners on research and evaluation projects, and supports organizational learning using diverse sources of data and evidence.

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