Joanne Lyford

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SNAP-Ed Site Manager

Tenga en cuenta que es posible que esta persona no hable español.

Expertise: Food security , Nutrition and healthy eating , Youth education resources

Programs: Nutrition Education and Outreach Programs (SNAP-Ed) (in English)

Locations: Multnomah County

Links: Food Hero


I supervise a team of Nutrition Educators working with youth and families through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed) in Multnomah County. Our team work in schools, food pantries, Department of Human Service (DHS) offices, farmer's markets, rehabilitation centers, summer meal sites and public housing sites. Our programs align with the 2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles. We use resources from Food Hero - the 'go to' site to learn how to budget for, plan, and create countless healthy, super tasty meals. Within Food Hero lives thousands of cooking tips and tools, plus ways to connect with other Food Heroes.

Content by Joanne Lyford

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