Judy Kowalski

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Bio Science Research Technician, Christmas Trees

Contact me for Christmas tree resources.

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Expertise: Christmas trees

Links: Christmas tree program


Judy Kowalski has been a research technician at NWREC since 2002. She began her work on berry and nursery crops, but for the last 15 years her focus has been on the Christmas tree program. Judy assists with research trials at the NWREC and at grower cooperator sites. She works on a wide range of research projects including the establishment and maintenance of Christmas tree seed orchards, genetic and progeny tests, cultural practices, pests and diseases mitigation and work with beneficial insects. She is a graduate of Clackamas Community College with A.A.S in Ornamental Horticulture and enjoys anything plant related, especially photography!

Content by Judy Kowalski

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