Kristine Buckland

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Vegetable and Speciality Seed Crop Specialist

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Expertise: Vegetables and specialty seeds


Kristie Buckland is a plant scientist focused on vegetable and seed crop production research and extension. Her program strives to identify management strategies to increase farm sustainability. Using a systems approach, her research examines the interaction of crop growth, yield, and pest pressure along with soil health indicators. Kristie has worked for 9 years in both conventional and organic vegetable and small grain systems. She has experience implementing management strategies such as inter-cropping, trap cropping, crop rotations, as well as the timing and amount of diverse nitrogen input sources. Kristie has been involved with extension throughout these years with on-farm research, grower collaborations and community outreach. Kristie earned a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy. She completed her M.S. and Ph.D. at Utah State University.

Content by Kristine Buckland

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