LeAnn Locher

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Master Gardener Outreach Coordinator

Communicating the science of gardening.

Tenga en cuenta que es posible que esta persona no hable español.

Expertise: Gardening techniques

Programs: Master Gardener™

Links: How to pronounce my name. , OSU Extension Master Gardener Program , Food Hero , Garden Ecology Lab , Culture of Gardening


I design science communications for and from the Master Gardener program, Garden Ecology Lab, and Food Hero. My focus is to connect the science of OSU to the general gardening public. I work with our horticulturists and research students to develop gardening content for our website and social media channels. In addition, I support Master Gardener program development, recruitment and communications. I have significant experience in communication strategy and creative design and branding, with a background in creative direction for non-profits and institutions.

Content by LeAnn Locher

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