Miles Phillips

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Miles Phillips

Coastal Tourism & Business Development

Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Training, Applied Research and Support for Business and Communities

Hablo español (I speak Spanish)

Expertise: Agritourism , Sustainability , Wildlife

Links: Sustainable Tourism at Oregon Sea Grant


Tourism Program Director: Miles Phillips, Oregon Sea Grant/Oregon State University Extension

Miles Phillips came to Oregon Sea Grant from Texas A&M University Extension, where he was the Associate Department Head for Extension in the Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Department. He led a team of Extension faculty working to serve all 254 counties in Texas. Before Texas, he was with Sea Grant in Coastal South Carolina.

He also works with national and international projects for sustainable tourism and community development through nature-based tourism. His works integrates elements of the tourism, agriculture, forestry, natural resources, adventure and outdoor recreation industries to create a cohesive, sustainable tourism program.

He developed and provided professional training and educational programs in support of tourism and outdoor recreation. He specialized in working with private landowners and partnerships with public land agencies. This included work for rural agricultural landowners, rural communities, cities and outdoor skills for the public. Some examples of enterprises encompass such diverse activities as hunting, fishing, visiting pumpkin patches, photography, stargazing, landscape painting and kayaking, birding etc. He’ll use a similar approach in Oregon.

Key projects include online Extension courses for professional guide training and certification, customer service etc ( Offices: Coos Bay and in Bandon, Oregon [email protected]

Learn more about Miles’s work in coastal sustainable tourism online at

Tourism Program Description: The Oregon Sea Grant program for Sustainable Coastal Tourism & Outdoor Recreation provides applied research for communities and businesses, direct business training, and advising/consultations with community organizations, businesses and individuals. Generally, these services are free or low cost. We work with Convention and Visitor Bureaus, Hotels, Tour Operators, Fishing Guides, Conservation Organizations, Agencies, non-profits etc.

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