Trisha Applebee

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Trisha Applebee

Administrative Assistant to 4-H Program Leader

Contact me with questions about statewide 4-H programming, State Fair (non-animal science), Recognition, and Oregon 4-H Hall of Fame.

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Programs: 4-H Youth Development


4-H is not just a career, but is a passion for Trisha as she has personally experienced the opportunities that 4-H provides youth as they grow and thrive within their communities

Trisha Applebee has served as the Administrative Assistant to the Director of 4-H Youth Development and Program Leader since July of 2022. Before serving in this role, she was the Education Program Assistant in Clackamas County from 2010 to 2022. Trisha’s 11-year membership in 4-H began in 1992 as a “Pre-4-Her” (now called Cloverbuds). Trisha began volunteering with the program as a teen leader, and in 2004 began serving as the Fair Data Entry Clerk for the Clackamas County 4-H program (2004-2022). Trisha has continued to volunteer with the Clackamas County 4-H program and has served as a judge in several counties for the Clothing & Sewing, Food & Nutrition, and Food Preservation project areas. During COVID, Trisha taught herself how to crochet and advanced her knitting skills.

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