Yasmeen Hossain

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Associate Director of the Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP)

Contact for environmental education opportunities, questions, and ideas throughout Oregon.

spricht Deutsch (speaks German)

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Expertise: Climate change , Environmental education (PreK-12) , Sustainability , Wildlife , Youth education resources

Programs: Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (PreK-12)

Links: ONREP website , LinkedIn


Yasmeen has been combining her experience in the mental health field with her background in environmental science for over 15 years, serving as an executive director, trauma & resilience practitioner, educator, and teacher trainer throughout the US and internationally.

Yasmeen earned an interdisciplinary PhD in Sustainable Development from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and an MSc in Environment & Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

When she is not working with her Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP) colleagues, you might find her hugging trees on nature trails or volunteering with animal rescue groups.

Content by Yasmeen Hossain

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