Raising Rabbits for Meat—Managing Animals' Health, Part 3 (in English)

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Welcome to living on the land, an award-winning source of useful information brought to you by your Oregon State University Extension Service.

Providing your rabbits with room to exercise will help them stay healthy. Use a cage that gives your rabbits enough space to stretch, hop a few lengths, and stand up on their hind legs. Wire cages are better than wood ones for raising rabbits. Because they're sturdier and more sanitary. The most functional wire rabbit cages will have a tray under them to collect your rabbit's waste. They also usually have a raised floor to keep the animals out of soiled bedding. Two important accessories for your rabbit's cage are a feeder and a watering system. Metal feeders with a screen on the bottom work well in most cages. If you give your rabbits hay, use a hay feeder instead of putting hay on the cage floor. Water bottles or water lines with nipples are the best system for clean water. Don't use bowls or Crocs for water because they can get contaminated with feces. You have several choices for what? To use as bedding. Wood pellets work well. They expand when they get wet, which makes it easy to tell when it's time. To change them. You can also use wood shavings. Pine shavings are a good and inexpensive option. You should avoid shavings made from cedar or other types of wood with a strong odor. These can actually cause respiratory problems. Commercially made paper bedding is another option, but it can be expensive. Avoid using homemade shredded paper because it can contain unhealthy chemicals. When choosing bedding, use the type that best fits your needs and budget. For more information on raising rabbits for meat, contact your local OSU Extension Service agent or the ARBA.

Ensuring your rabbits have ample space to exercise is key to their health. Opt for wire cages over wood for sturdiness and hygiene, with a tray to collect waste and a raised floor. Essential accessories include a feeder and a watering system with bottles or nipple lines for clean water. Metal feeders and hay feeders are recommended, avoiding bowls to prevent contamination.

This is from the Living on the Land series. Download the related PDF - Living on The Land: Raising Rabbits for Meat—Managing Animals' Health

The phrase “Living on The Land” is used with permission from Living on The Land Stewardship for Small Acreage, © 2008, UNCE/WSARE.

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