Free Online Forestry Planning (in English)

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THIS CLASS REQUIRES COMPUTER SKILLS. This class will offer an introduction to Forest Planner, a free web application to help with stewardship planning in Oregon and Washington. You will learn how to map your property, divide it into management units, describe your forest types, and create and compare management scenarios customized to your property. Come find out the economic trade-offs between different harvest strategies, which management practices reduce fire or pest risks, how much carbon your forest can store, or just to make maps of your property you can use in your Forest Management Plan. If you have it, bring your information on tree species, diameter classes, and trees per acre for the forest types on your property. This is also a great opportunity to get the next generation involved in forest planning (teenage and older encouraged).

Originally aired on June 23, 2020


  • David Diaz, Director of Forestry Technology & Analytics, Ecotrust, Portland, OR.
  • Sara Loreno, Natural Resources Data Scientist, Ecotrust, Portland, OR.


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