Woodland Roads: Are You Ready for the Winter? (in English)

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There is nothing more important for the functionality and safety of a forest road than managing water, and in the winter, we get lots of it! Is your road winter ready? Let’s talk about why it is important to keep road surfaces dry and a drainage system that will keep water clean for the streams. We will go over some road fundamentals and maintenance activities to prepare for the winter months, and whether or not you should consider a timber harvest during the winter months.

Originally aired on November 9, 2021


  • Francisca Belart, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Specialist, Timber Harvesting, Oregon State University
  • Jon Souder, Extension Forest Watershed Management Specialist, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.Jon Souder, Extension Forest Watershed Management Specialist, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.


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