Cattle on the Range. Thoughts and Considerations - Recorded Webinar

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Juliana Ranches
May 2020

On April 28, 2020 the webinar Cattle on the Range. Thoughts and Considerations” was presented online by Juliana Ranches, David Bohnert, and Dustin Johnson. Below you will find a description of each talk and a link for the webinar recording:

Juliana Ranches - Assistant Professor & Extension Beef Specialist, EOARC - Oregon State University.

Juliana discussed important points to consider at branding and turnout such as animal stress, pain mitigation and welfare. Points that can be considered for added value.

See Juliana's talk here: Branding and Turnout. What is best for my cattle?

David Bohnert - Professor & EOARC Director, EOARC - Oregon State University.

David discussed about the implications of allowing cows to cycle BCS throughout the production year and techniques and considerations for tightening your calving distribution

See David's talk here: Potential Advantages of Managing BCS and Calving Distribution

Dustin Johnson - Professor & Rangeland Outreach Coordinator, EOARC - Oregon State University.

Dustin provided a summary of rangeland forage and fuels conditions that are anticipated during the 2020 grazing and fire seasons. He will briefly cover data sources and methods used for the assessment and discuss potential implications of projected conditions for grazing and fuels management.

See Dustin's talk here: 2020 Grazing and Fuels Outlook for Central Southeastern Oregon Rangelands

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