Livestock diseases are best dealt with at the preventive stage. Proactive programs for several livestock species and specific diseases are available to help with tracing diseases and preventing their spread, as well as continuity of business during an outbreak. This collection contains links to current programs developed through collaboration with the USDA, state and federal veterinarians, various national livestock associations and universities. It also contains important news and notices about legislative actions, including rules pertaining to interstate movement of livestock, including official electronic ID tags.
The following announcement was shared that will/may affect those of you moving cattle across state lines:
Today, by amending and strengthening its animal disease traceability regulations for certain cattle and bison, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is putting in place the technology, tools, and processes to help quickly pinpoint and respond to costly foreign animal diseases.
See the APHIS web page on Animal Disease Traceability below. The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is responsible for administering the Animal Health, Feeds, and Livestock Identification program in Oregon. See this below, especially the tabs labeled Biosecurity, Secure Food Supply, and Disease Traceability. Also, see the framework for interstate and intrastate movement decisions during a foot and mouth disease outbreak in the U.S.
Electronic ID tags are usually provided by the disease tracking programs. Take advantage of free electronic ID tags as they are very handy for many production and management practices. See more below. Search the web for countless other articles on how you can use EID on your ranch.
In Oregon, some OSU Extension Livestock Specialists are trained through the various program collaboratives and are available to assist producers:
- Shelby Filley can advise on sheep supply
- Sergio Arispe can advise on beef supply
- Jenifer Cruickshank can advise on milk supply
Contact information is provided below, so you can reach out with specific questions.