Shelby Filley

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Regional Livestock & Forages

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Expertise: Beef cattle , Sheep and goats , Swine , Pasture and forages


Dr. Shelby J. Filley received her B.S. in Animal Science at University of California, Davis (1982), M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition at Cal Poly Pomona (1985), and Ph.D. in Nutrition and Reproduction at Oregon State University (1998). She is a Professor and Extension Regional Livestock and Forage Specialist at OSU and is on her 26th year of service there. Dr. Filley’s program includes workshops, publications, and consultations for producers of beef cattle, sheep, goats, and forage. Her work is recognized at the national and international level. She has been invited speaker for state livestock and forage associations and has given presentations in the US, Mexico, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand. While at OSU, Dr. Filley has had a significant teaching role in over 900 Extension educational programs with nearly 19,000 stakeholders. Her research is focused on forage production to support livestock nutrition, reproduction, productivity, and health. She has published 21 refereed journal articles, 36 peer reviewed Extension publications, and authored over 100 website and popular press articles. She is responsible for managing the beef cattle, sheep and goat, and forages sections of the OSU Extension website, making science-based information accessible to peers and stakeholders. Dr. Filley enjoys mentoring and assisting colleagues in their careers, providing service to her profession and to universities in the western states. She has obtained over $300,000 to support her research and extension efforts.

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