Performance of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Late-Planted Fallow

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Larry Lutcher, Clare Sullivan, Michael D. Flowers, Christopher C. Mundt, Don Wysocki, Karl E. L. Rhinhart and Juliet Marshall
PNW 635 | Revised June 2020, Reviewed 2023


This publication describes results of field research on the performance of hard red winter wheat cultivars in a late-planted fallow system in the low-precipitation zone of Oregon and Washington.

About the authors

Michael D. Flowers
Extension cereals specialist
Oregon State University
Christopher C. Mundt
Professor of botany and plant pathology
Oregon State University
Karl E. L. Rhinhart
Farm manager and senior faculty research assistant
Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, OSU
Juliet Marshall
Cereal agronomist and pathologist
Idaho Falls Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho

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