Angee Doerr

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Marine Fisheries Educator

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Expertise: Commercial fishing, crabbing and clamming , Climate change , Fish and aquatic life

Locations: Lincoln County

Links: Angee N. Doerr, PhD


Angee is an Assistant Professor of Practice with Oregon Sea Grant and Oregon State University, serving as the Marine Extension specialist for Lincoln County. She focuses on commercial fisheries, and marine coastal resources, providing community outreach and education on subjects ranging from marine resource management to aquaculture, nearshore energy and sustainable economic growth for coastal industries. Angee works closely with community partners, including commercial fishermen, managers, and researchers, to advance our understanding of fisheries and other marine resources in Oregon and along the west coast. She holds a BS, an MS, an MBA and a Ph.D. focused on socially and ecologically sustainable fisheries. Angee is currently a captain in the US Navy Reserves, with more than 21 years of Active and Reserve service.

Content by Angee Doerr

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