Kristen Moore

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Dr. Kristen Moore standing next to her Bernese Mountain Dog, Beau.

4-H Youth Development

Contact me for companion pet 4-H program questions in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties or if you are interested in getting involved in the statewide DIVE4Ag project.

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Expertise: Youth education resources

Programs: 4-H Youth Development , Clackamas County 4-H , Washington County 4-H , Portland Area 4-H

Links: DIVE4Ag , Oregon Teen Science Cafe


Today’s youth are faced with unique challenges making it imperative for all youth to feel like they belong and can develop the skills necessary to thrive. Strengthening the bond between youth and their pets can promote youth thriving and improve youth physical and emotional well-being. My work aims to provide hands-on learning opportunities for all youth to learn how to become their pet’s advocate and, in turn, learn how to advocate for themselves and others in their community.

I wake up every morning energized because every extra moment of hard work and creativity directly impacts local Oregon youth. I love connecting youth to the questions animal scientists are asking in Oregon and around the world and igniting their spark for scientific learning.

Content by Kristen Moore

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