Nik Wiman

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Orchard Crops Specialist

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Expertise: Fruit trees , Hazelnuts and nut crops , Insects , Integrated pest management , Invasive species


Nik Wiman is a field-oriented biologist that has been active in agricultural science since 1998. Early in his career he worked on biological control of rangeland weeds in Montana, and he also spent a number of years working as a researcher in the apple and cherry industries of central Washington State. He has been employed at OSU since 2012 and has worked extensively on the invasive pest brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). Since 2015, he is the Willamette Valley Extension specialist for orchard crops and the lead Extension faculty for hazelnuts. Hazelnuts (filberts) are the most important orchard crop in the Willamette Valley, an area that not only produces almost all of the US crop, but is reknown around the world for the quality of nuts produced. There are more than 80,000 acres of hazelnuts in Oregon, with more than half of the acreage represented by orchards planted in the last ten years. Current research includes IPM for new and old hazelnut pests, hazelnut nutrition, hazelnut water use/irrigation, and cider apple production. Primary interests are population biology of insects, biological control of insects, sustainable orcharding, and grower outreach. Links of interest: Wiman Lab Blog OSU Hazelnut Facebook Orchard Crops OSU Hazelnut Extension Documents Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Report Hazelnut listserv (info for hazelnut growers) Orchards listserv (info for tree fruit growers). Nik can can also advise graduate students through the Department of Horticulture in applied entomology, orchard ecology, and hazelnut production.

Content by Nik Wiman

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