Sky Loos

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4-H Program Coordinator

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Programs: Jackson County 4-H


Originally from Northern California, Sky is a former 4-H member, participating in equestrian competitions and projects with Dodge County, Nebraska 4-H. She later was a member of the Marin County, California 4-H club as a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Spending her time at fair with dozens of puppies was always the highlight of her summer.

Sky holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Montana. She worked her way through college as a teacher at Head Start, working primarily with Native American children and their families.

After graduation, Sky joined the Peace Corps where she and her husband served in West Africa teaching environmental education to youth. Upon returning to the U.S., Sky became a classroom teacher and taught Kindergarten-2nd grade and middle school social studies in Arizona and Idaho.

Sky and her family relocated to the Rogue Valley in 2008 by way of Sun Valley, Idaho. During her career, she has developed a passion for mission driven organizations and making positive changes in the community through her work at regional nonprofits. She has held leadership roles at Southern Oregon Humane Society as Education and Community Outreach Director, at Britt Festivals as Director of Operations, and as Executive Director of Friends of the Animals.

Sky has a healthy obsession with animals, especially dogs and horses, and loves working with youth and helping them reach their fullest potential.

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