Hermiston Agriculture Research and Extension Center

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Oregon State University Extension is the go-to resource for the expertise and knowledge every Oregonian needs to live healthy lives, nurture our great state’s ecosystems, and play a vital role in Oregon’s vibrant communities.

We’re partnering with people in every county and helping them thrive every day — just as we have done for more than 100 years.

Visitor information

Umatilla County Extension is located in the Blue Mountain Community College Precision Irrigated Ag Facility on the OSU Hermiston Ag Research and Extension Center.

The office is currently available by appointment only. Please contact your preferred staff member to schedule.

Contact us

Tenga en cuenta que algunas oficinas pueden tener una capacidad limitada para respondera lasconsultas en español. Consulte nuestro directorio estatal de profesores y personal si desea comunicarse directamente con un empleado que hable español.


Upcoming events

We’re active across the state delivering our workshops to you. See events that may interest you.

Que hacemos

Discover ways to learn and get involved. Here are some highlights of our activities and specialties.

News and impact

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¿Tienes una pregunta? Pregúntale a Extensión

“Pregúntale a Extensión” es una forma de obtener respuestas del Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University. Contamos con expertos en familia y salud, desarrollo comunitario, alimentación y agricultura, temas costeros, silvicultura, programas para jóvenes y jardinería.