Photo: James E. Meacham (Cropped from original)

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Support and Funding

Extension is supported by a combination of federal, state and county funds.

See a breakdown of funding sources here.

2021 Local Option Tax Levy

Lane County voters passed Measure 20-319 in May 2021. This local option tax levy provides five years of funding for Extension programs in Lane County. The tax rate is 2.8 cents per $1000 assessed value (or about $5.60 per year for the owner of property assessed at $200,000).

These funds will be used to expand program offerings to all Lane County communities, which could include:

  • Expand existing 4-H and other positive youth development opportunities to rural communities
  • Continue volunteer programs such as Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver, Compost and Pruning Specialist, Food Pantry, and Master Woodland Manager
  • Develop and offer educational programs focused on community emergency preparedness
  • Continue to provide food safety and preservation, nutrition, and wellness education
  • Continue to provide technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, woodland owners and nursery growers
  • Expand educational programming to all communities to encourage high school completion and college access

This tax rate requested would provide revenues to supplement, but not replace, self-funding efforts already in place.

Photo: OSU Extension Service Lane County Mobile Plant Clinic (Cropped from original)

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